Photo by Mike Coppola/WireImage / Getty Images
Hillary Clinton officially became the first woman to accept a major U.S. party's presidential nomination.
"When there are no ceilings the sky's the limit." Hillary Clinton, July 28, 2016
It's an almost unfathomable thought. Women have labored under ceilings based upon gender and set by men for generations. Hillary’s statement reflects an unofficial emancipation of possibility that will take time to truly set it. But what an amazing beginning for young women today. It makes no difference if you're a Democrat or a Republican. What makes a difference is to see the lifting of inequity between men and women take place on the biggest stage in our country.
By the time we reached the last night of the Democratic National Convention, it actually felt good to feel hopeful again. To hear positive messages about us as a people and as a country. It’s been such a bruising campaign that feeling good about the state of politics has seemed almost out of place. It's only when you realize how unusual it is to feel good about ourselves that you realize how bad we must have been feeling.
Democrats did their best to pull us out of the trenches of terror promoted by Donald Trump at his convention, and push the refresh button for a moment. But it was the power of so many moments that led up to this time that will now forever be etched in history.
The Democratic National Convention was a convention of strength that grew from diversity. Across political and economic rank. Across race and religion. Across military and civilian. It was a sea of faces representative of what our country actually looks like. A country that shares its stories of triumph and tragedy while working to build bridges to each other. It was a convention that stood in extraordinary contrast to the previous week's Republican National Convention - a coronation of their would-be king who already thinks he is king.
We saw a stronger and more relaxed Clinton deliver her acceptance speech. Not because the fight is over. The battle to win the Presidency against Donald Trump will only get harder and dirtier as the campaigns slug through the coming months.
Cracking that glass requires a toughness that Trump can never feel or truly understand. It's the kind of preparedness that has been passed down through generations of women, and was vividly shown when Hillary hugged her daughter Chelsea sharing private words before she took center stage. The true torch between mothers and daughters and granddaughters has been passed.