Map courtesy of NPR
Pictures of young Israeli families, parents and children with the caption, “Murdered by Hamas.” Video of young people dancing to rock music at an Israeli music festival one minute and running for their lives the next with Hamas bullets flying directly at them. Too many never made it to safety. Babies, young children, young adults, parents and grandparents being killed or taken hostage as terrorists also known as Hamas set out to kill as many Jews as possible this past weekend.
What a nightmare.
An IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) spokesman told the BBC that the weekend attack was “by far the worst day in Israeli history. Never before have so many Israelis been killed by one single thing, let alone enemy activity, on one day.”
The barbarism used by Hamas is beyond the unspeakable. Rape. Murder. Kidnapping. All happening to those going about their lives peacefully until terror stuck on October 7th.
The State of Israel has always been largely surrounded by enemies. But this is different and more extreme because the enemies are extremists. Hamas is a militant Palestinian organization based in the Gaza strip and supported by Iran. Hezbollah is a militant Lebanese organization with a strong presence in Southern Lebanon to the north of Israel. It’s also supported by Iran. Neither terrorist organization recognizes Israel as a state and both are dedicated to destroying the country and its people. Why you ask? Because they are filled with hate.
I have family in Israel. They range in age from young to old, and different ones moved to Israel from the U.S. at different times. Messages and emails have been going back and forth between us these past two days some of which I’ll share:
“We have seen the Iron Dome intercept the bombs directly overhead. My son and son-in-law and two other cousins have all been called up (to active military duty) and are somewhere near the northern border. The wives and children are staying with us for now. There is no doubt that Israel will prevail, but the cost is already too high.”
Another cousin, “We just left the safe room a few minutes ago after a bomb was intercepted in Jerusalem.”
My elderly cousin wrote, “I am sleeping in the safe room. It is a very secure room made of strong iron windows and doors. If someone gets into our house they can’t open the door. But everyone is so scared.”
Another cousin, “We’re all on edge, sad by the horrific loss of life of so many beautiful people, but also determined and full of purpose that the State of Israel must be defended.”
Israel became a state and was founded as the Jewish homeland on May 14, 1948. A day later its Arab neighbors including Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded the newly independent country. Truces were later signed but in all the years since, a lasting peace has been elusive.
It has personally been a difficult few days as I worry about my family. I pray for real peace and the day to actually come when Arabs and Jews can live in harmony.