North Carolina
Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama's first joint campaign rally made history while creating a scenario unlike anything seen before. The significance of the current first lady campaigning for a former first lady who is running to become president of the United States was unprecedented. Their appearance together wasn't simply about star power, it was woman power.
Both Clinton and Obama know this is a critical election in which women will play a pivotal role. There was no great fanfare preceding the event, but a reported 10,000 people gathered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to hear the two women. Clinton and Obama made their case by building bridges of commonality between themselves and their audience. Side by side they spoke passionately about issues of concern to women who are students, women who work outside the home, and women who work at home.
Clinton’s opponent was addressed. Without name. "When you've raised children in the White House you're reminded of the impact you have," said Obama, "because you think of the millions of children watching us."
Candidate Clinton, who also raised her daughter in the White House, added, "Dignity and respect for women and girls is also on the ballot in this election, and I want to thank our first lady for her eloquent, powerful defense of that basic value."
The first lady softly said to her partner on stage, "Thank you for that." The simple and complex power of these two women is as remarkable as the times that set that stage. They showed gratitude and respect for each other, and to those who came to hear and see them. This is what women role models at the highest level can look and sound like.
"When they go low, we go high," said Obama. It’s the best campaign slogan yet. Despite her protestations to the contrary, maybe the time has come for its author to put politics in her future, not just in her past.
"First Ladies. We rock"
Author once again duly noted.